Logan Health
Exercise and Sports Science Center

Logan Health Fitness Center’s Exercise and Sports Science Center offers the following services to target your specific fitness needs.  

  • VO2 Max, 12-Lead EKG, and Maximum Heart Rate 
  • Running Analysis 
  • Gait (Walking) Analysis 
  • Lactate Profile and Anaerobic Threshold Level 
  • Resting Energy Expenditure
  • Wingate Anaerobic Power Determination 
  • Body Composition Analysis using InBody 570 

Click HERE for more information. 

Wellness Coaching

Logan Health Fitness Center offers a variety of clinical and general Wellness and nutrition services to cater for your individualized needs. 

Click HERE for more information. 

School-Based Health Center

At Logan Health, we believe that strong public schools are the foundation of our community, that access to health care is a right and that students thrive when they at their healthiest.  That’s why we are committed to bringing health care right to our schools. 

Click HERE  for more information.

Mental Health

We believe that mental health is equally as important as physical health. That’s why we offer respectful, clinically effective mental health treatments through the collaborative efforts of a team comprised of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, mental health specialists and therapists.  

Additional Mental Health Resources:  
  • Flathead City-County Health Department Suicide Prevention click HERE 
  • NAMI Flathead click HERE 
  • School District 5 Crisis and Suicide Help click HERE 
  • Nate Chute Foundation click HERE 
  • Suicide Prevention Resource Center click HERE 
  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention click HERE  
  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention for the Flathead Valley click HERE 
  • The Raleigh House click HERE or call (406) 604-1151 
  • Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch click HERE  
  • Suicide Hotlines click HERE 

Gun Safety

The Be SMART framework is designed to help parents and adults normalize conversations about gun safety and take responsible actions that can prevent child gun deaths and injuries. For more information, visit besmartforkids.org


  • Parenting Montana click HERE  
  • Seattle Children’s Keeping Kids Healthy click HERE 

 Support & Other Resources

  • Coffee with Survivors (Traumatic Brain Injury) coffeewithsurvivors@gmail.com or (406) 871-2942. 
  • Postpartum Resource Group click HERE  
  • Horse Sense Healing click HERE  
  • The Quit Line 1-800-QUIT-NOW or click HERE  
  • Ravenwood Outdoor Learning Center click HERE  
  • Youth Dynamics click HERE  
  • Youth Resources for youth in Flathead County, MT click HERE