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Educators & Athletic Staff

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Educators play a crucial role in concussion management. Many concussion patients have difficulty returning to their previous level of activity, including mental activity. Remember, a child’s main job is to attend school and learn in order to achieve his or her highest potential. While not every concussed child plays sports, every child is a student. It is important to ensure that your students have the initial focus to return to school before returning to sports.

In Montana, the Dylan Steigers Protection of Youth Athletes Act requires school districts to ensure that each coach, athletic trainer and official participating in organized youth athletic activities completes a concussion training program at least once per year. Save the Brain strongly advises educators, coaches and athletic staff to attend a no-charge concussion management training session. 

Before Participation

It is advised to gather a baseline score for every athletic participant. Experts recommend that student athletes be tested every one to two years as they develop motor and cognitive functions. Please refer to the Save the Brain Concussion Campaign Consensus Recommendations.

Baseline testing (at cost) may be arranged at The Concussion Clinic by calling (406) 758-7035. The Concussion Clinic is located in Logan Health Medical Fitness Center at Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, which is upstairs at the south entrance of the building. The test takes an hour, results are instant, and the Clinic staff will work closely with your referring health care provider to make the process as easy as possible. 

School Athletic Trainer Contacts

For current school athletic trainer contact information click HERE.


When in doubt, take them out! Remove the athlete from play. Refer the athlete to emergency medical care and/or to a licensed health care provider trained in concussion management.

Before returning to athletic activity, the athlete needs to be symptom-free, able to tolerate a full day of school and cleared by a licensed health care professional.*

*A licensed health care professional is a registered, licensed, certified or otherwise statutorily recognized health care professional whose training includes the evaluation and management of concussions consistent with current medical knowledge. Examples include athletic trainers, school nurses, urgent care providers, emergency room providers, primary care providers or the providers at the concussion clinic.