Community Sponsorship/Donation Requests
Logan Health accepts donation and sponsorship requests on behalf of all Logan Health facilities.
Logan Health welcomes the opportunity to help support the needs in our community that are consistent with our mission, “Improving health, comfort and life,” and to be good partners in making our community a healthy, safe and enjoyable place to live. Unfortunately, we cannot assist as many worthy organizations as we would like. Our sponsorship and donation focus, therefore, is on requests that support wellness, the disadvantaged and overall community health initiatives. Priority is given to activities that contribute to the needs identified in our Community Health Needs Assessment in Logan Health’s service area.
Requests for sponsorships, donations or application of resources that are not part of the operational marketing or community relations plans must be submitted using the Community Sponsorship/ Donation Request Form at least eight weeks prior to your needs. You will generally receive a response within four weeks of your request.