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Logan Health Endocrinology & Infectious Disease

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About Our Clinic

Logan Health Endocrinology & Infectious Disease, a department of Logan Health Medical Center, is a specialty clinic focused on the unique needs of our patients. Our care includes the following services. Patients should consult their primary care provider for a referral before seeking to arrange an appointment with us.

  • Hormonal conditions (endocrinology)
    • Problems related to the thyroid, pancreas, pituitary and adrenal glands
    • Diabetes types 1 and 2
    • Calcium metabolism issues
    • Metabolism disorders
    • Osteoporosis concerns
  • Immunizations and infectious diseases
    • Travel medicine and viral diseases
    • Bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites
    • HIV (AIDS) / hepatitis C
    • Postoperative infections
    • Vector-borne diseases
    • Travel Medicine Clinic

Patient Information

Appointments and Referrals
Appointments are made based on a referral from your primary care provider. To schedule a time with a specialist, please contact your referring physician, who can set up an appointment through our office. Please contact us with any scheduling questions. If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, please call our office at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule. This allows us to provide this time slot to another patient.

Prescription Refills
We request that you contact your pharmacy for prescription refills.

Emergency Situations
If you require emergency medical attention, please contact your primary care physician or visit the Logan Health Medical Center Emergency Department.

Patient Rights and Policies
Click on the link below to review Logan Health’s notice of privacy practices, patient consent and financial agreement, advance directives, patient rights and responsibilities, organizational code of ethics, messages from Medicare and Tricare, and truth in lending.
Patient Rights and Policies

Patient Forms

New Patient Registration
Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information
Medical History and Symptom Review
Authorization to Discuss Medical Care

Travel Medicine Clinic

What is a Travel Medicine Clinic?

International travel, whether for a vacation, church or diplomatic mission, or business, can be challenging if you are not prepared. Disease, illness, crime and injury happen unexpectedly to even the most experienced traveler. Planning for good health on an international trip is as important as buying tickets or obtaining a visa and passport.

Logan Health Medical Center’s Travel Medicine Clinic provides education, information, travel vaccines and travel medications for the international traveler. Our staff can prepare you for your trip with destination-specific medical information, immunizations, medications and other health care needs for your trip abroad.

What services are provided by the Travel Medicine Clinic?

Pretravel counseling

  • Itinerary review for current potential health risks at your destination
  • Hotel, airline and boat safety
  • Health reports and contact information from hospitals located in or near your travel destinations
  • Review of your medical history and any specific risks you may have during travel
  • Medications to prevent malaria
  • Methods to prevent insect bites
  • Preparation of safe drinking water and recommendations/treatment for traveler’s diarrhea
  • Preventing altitude and motion sickness
  • Counseling for individuals with underlying medical conditions that may increase the risk of acquiring infections

Immunization review and administration
Logan Health’s Travel Medicine Clinic provides vaccines required to enter foreign countries and those recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. Certain recommended vaccines may help families reduce the risk of acquiring illnesses during international travel, including travel for international adoption. Individuals should schedule a visit at least one month prior to travel. Some vaccines, such as Hepatitis A, need several weeks to take effect while others may require multiple doses. The travel medicine clinic offers the following vaccinations:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Influenza
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Measles, mumps and rubella
  • Meningococcal vaccines
  • Polio
  • Rabies
  • Tetanus, diphtheria
  • Tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis combination vaccine
  • Typhoid
  • Varicella

For More Information

Logan Health Endocrinology & Infectious Disease
430 Windward Way, Suite 100
Kalispell, MT 59901

Phone: (406) 751-5364
Fax: (406) 751-5367


By providing these links to other sites, Logan Health does not guarantee, approve, or endorse the information or products available on these sites. You should consult with your health care provider prior to making any decisions regarding your treatment.

American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
American Diabetes Association
Endocrine Society
Hormone Health Network
Infectious Diseases Society of America

Meet Our Team

Contact Us

Northwest Specialists
430 Windward Way, Suite 100
Kalispell, MT 59901

Phone and Fax
Phone: (406) 751-5364
Fax: (406) 751-5367

Office Hours
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.