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Kids on the Rise

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Inspiring kids to play, learn, grow and dream.

Creating healthier futures requires investing in Montana’s youth. Kids on the Rise creates a unique opportunity for kids ages 5-12 to participate in fun and inspiring free programs that promote active lifestyles and build self confidence.

Kids on the Rise also works towards ensuring that every child in Montana has access to appropriate footwear and clothes, enabling them to feel comfortable and confident while participating in activities they love. Donations and sponsorships to the programs play a crucial role in providing footwear and clothing to our community’s youth, allowing every child to pursue their passions with dignity.

When you support Kids on the Rise, you can help Montana kids dream big and realize their full potential, creating healthier futures for us all.

Our Why

Appropriate footwear play a pivotal role in boosting a child’s self-esteem and confidence, which can have a profound impact on their social and academic development.

Children yearn for a chance to belong – to participate in sports, explore the outdoors, or simply move with the freedom and confidence that well-fitted shoes provide. Inadequate footwear can not only limit their participation in various activities but also affect their self-esteem, physical well-being, and overall development.

Financial constraints should never limit or define their childhood. Together, we have the power to ensure that every child in Montana experiences the simple, yet profound, joy of having suitable footwear – a vital step towards breaking the cycle of poverty and helping them thrive.

Kids on the rise

Goals and Objectives:

  • Keep Kids Active: Partner with us to help ensure healthier futures for Montana kids, providing them access to resources and programs. Encouraging an active lifestyle from a young age sets kids on a path towards healthier futures by instilling lifelong habits that promote physical fitness, well-being, and a greater sense of self worth. Your involvement can help make that a reality for the nearly 250,000 kids in Montana.
  • Get Kids What They Need: In 2023, Kids on the Rise provided at least 700 pairs of shoes to Montana kids in need. Through partnerships with local and national businesses and clothing brands, we hope to create a sustainable repository of shoes, athletic wear, and everyday clothing items.
  • Inspire Kids to Dream Big: When we encourage young minds to envision grand aspirations, we ignite a spark of curiosity and ambition that can lead to incredible accomplishments. Through nurturing their dreams, we sow the seeds of innovation, resilience, and determination, ensuring that these young dreamers become the architects of a brighter tomorrow, shaping a future limited only by the extent of their imagination.