Logan Health

Health and Wellness Coaching

Becoming Your Best

Wellness coaching is to the mind as personal training is to the body.  Change your thoughts – change your life!

Wellness Coaching is a comprehensive service that is tailored to each individual. Most people choose to work on issues such as weight management, healthy eating, exercise, disease prevention, work-life balance, stress reduction, energy management and life satisfaction.

Wellness coaching helps you become your best self!

  • Coaching results in new skills and ways of thinking that lead to long term growth.
  • Coaching meets you where you are at; it can help you execute a complete overhaul of your current lifestyle or provide an intentional way to reach your fullest potential.
  • Certified Coaches often have formal training in the health field as well as coaching psychology.  They provide support and accountability when challenges arise.

During your one-on-one sessions, you’ll either meet in person, or talk via phone to explore your wellness priorities. Together with your coach, you will create a wellness vision for yourself. You will also establish weekly and three month goals.  Wellness coaching helps define priorities with action steps to create your healthiest and best self.

All Wellcoachs are Trained and Certified by Wellcoaches School of Coaching. To learn more about Wellcoaches visit:  http://www.wellcoachesschool.com.

Health & Wellness Coaching Packages

3 Pack (1-hour sessions): Member $165.00   Non-Member $195.00

Tune-up: One 60-minute session for existing clients: Member $55   Non-Member: $65

Three to Thrive

Jump on the path to healthy living and learn to Thrive at Logan Health Medical Fitness Center.

Sample one session each from three programs and  start your wellness, nutrition and fitness off right.  

Member Price: $180                         Non-Member Price: $210

  • Wellness Coaching X1: Uncover and establish desire and intentions. Create your own personal wellness map. Where to and why? 
  • Personalized Nutrition Coaching X1:  Strategies for purposeful fueling and improve your relationship with food.
  • Personal Training X1: Update your exercise strategy to include your wellness vision and make fitness personal to your schedule.

To schedule your Wellness Coaching or Three to Thrive package or to learn more about Wellness Coaching, call 751-4131

Our Wellcoaches Team

All Wellcoaches are Trained and Certified by Wellcoaches School of Coaching. To learn more about Wellcoaches visit: http://www.wellcoachesschool.com

Valerie Goss

BS Exercise Science
ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Health & Wellness Coach, Wellcoach School of Coaching Certified

Like you, wellness coach and personal trainer Valerie Goss strives to be “well” in all areas of her life – mind, body, and soul.  This quest for ultimate health and happiness led her to begin her career in 2001 as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor.  Adding wellness coaching to the mix in 2017, she inspires and challenges you to go beyond what you would do alone.  With a passion for helping people realize their potential, she will guide you in setting realistic goals, and view obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow.  She is inspired by her fellow coaches and endeavors to live each day to the fullest.  Her goal is to wake up each day with a purpose and a heart full of joy!  When she is not at The Summit she likes to jog and garden, but she spends most of her spare time chasing two fabulous teenage boys!

Deborah Harding

MPH, DrPH in behavior change
Health & Wellness Coach, Wellcoach School of Coaching Certified

I believe that “outside the box thinking” happens with a spirit of light-hearted fun and collaboration with a trusted partner. I particularly enjoy helping you connect with a wellness vision that resonates with your energy and gets the motivational juices flowing.  I offer my unwavering belief in your ability to be successful.  My subspecialty is empowering people to learn to live without nicotine and encouraging those in recovery.   I am convinced that what we can’t do alone – we can do together.  One of my favorite quotes is from Michelangelo: “I saw an angel in the stone and carved to set it free.”  A great coach helps us chip away at layers of clutter to reveal “your best self”.  To start your journey, send me a confidential email to dharding@krmc.org.

Rose Nicholson

Personal Trainer, Cooper Institute Certified
Group Fitness Instructor, Cooper Institute & Aerobics and Fitness Association of America Certified
Parisi Sports Performance Coach Certified
Healthways Instructor for Older Adult Exercise Certified
Health & Wellness Coach, Wellcoach School of Coaching Certified

My path to becoming a wellness coach began when I was a teenager. I started running to alleviate negative emotions and challenging obstacles in my life. I found freedom and strength through physical fitness. This led to my career choice to become a fitness instructor and personal trainer. I have been motivating individuals and groups since 1993. Wellness coaching is another opportunity to inspire and challenge people to be their best and give them the freedom to live life to its fullest!  My greatest experiences with coaching are witnessing increased confidence; celebrating successes and exploring new possibilities; learning and growing together; finding joy in the journey.

Teckla Putnam

BS Exercise Science
N.S.C.A. Personal Trainer Certified
Health & Wellness Coach, Wellcoaches School of Coaching Certified

With a background  in exercise science, I have been fortunate spending all of my career in a hospital-based wellness center where it has been my passion to engage people in activity to overcome disease, enable healing or simply to be strong and fit for life.  I have enjoyed work in cardiac, pulmonary, cancer, eating disorder and athletic injury rehabilitation as well as personal training.  Montana is a very special place to live, work and play.  Helping people discover and remember why they want to be Well is a rewarding and energizing process to be a part of.   Hearing what delights, frustrates, excites and even puzzles us all about what it means to eat well, move more, stress less and have brighter health is a privilege.  Being creative together to discover new ways of supporting real and lasting change is my favorite aspect of coaching.   We know that exercise and good nutrition will afford us better health but the challenges are the reason for an ally.

Gwen Gates

Clinical Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer
Gwen is a National Board Certified Wellness Coach, an NASM Certified Personal Trainer & a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. Her unique combination of education and work experience has created a dedication to helping others develop a strong mind/body connection. She is passionate about helping others, from young to young at heart, to create a healthy lifestyle which includes eating, exercise/physical activity, sleep, stress management and self compassion.

Favorite quote:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

Jude Spors Murphy

Jude Spors-Murphy is a unique clinical wellness coach that has a background and years of experience in working as a therapist in the mental health and addiction field.  He also has years of experience in teaching people how to alpine ski.  Jude has moved his career into another direction by becoming a clinical wellness coach and being a ski guide for a local back country cat ski operation.  His focus now with people is to help them move into the future being more active, healthy and enjoying it more.  Jude is very active in life with many interests including cooking, all types of skiing, water and snow, breeding and competing with horses, wind surfing, sailing, hiking, mountain biking, doing different types of triathlons, kayaking, summiting mountains, playing team sports like volleyball and pickle ball.  He embraces life, the outdoors, nature, the mountains, lakes and the four seasons.

The pool will be closed for a swim meet:

  • Friday, Jan. 24 from 3 - 5 p.m.
  • Saturday, Jan. 25 from 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.
    • Adult swim workout is canceled and regular schedule resumes after 2 p.m.
  • Sunday, Jan. 26 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
    • 7 a.m. lap swim will be open, and regular schedule resumes after 2 p.m.