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Logan Health Mother/Baby Clinic

This free community resource allows parents and babies to receive hands-on support from Logan Health’s nurses and lactation specialists.  Call ahead for an appointment.

Mother/Baby Support Clinic – Logan Health Medical Center
310 Sunnyview Lane
Kalispell, MT 59901
Phone: (406) 751-6667

Mother/Baby Support Clinic – Logan Health Whitefish
1600 Hospital Way
Whitefish, MT 59937
Phone: (406) 863-3471

When to Call Your Provider

Pregnancy/Postpartum ResourcesThere are many normal changes and discomforts in late pregnancy. There are also some things that are not normal. If you notice any of these danger signs, call your OB care provider or the hospital right away:

  • Bleeding from the vagina
  • Nausea or vomiting that does not stop
  • A bad headache
  • Sudden swelling of the face, hands, feet or ankles that goes along with sudden weight gain
  • Blurred vision or spots before your eyes
  • Marked decrease in the amount of urine passed
  • Pain or burning when passing urine
  • Fever
  • Gush or leaking of water from the vagina before your due date
  • Unusual or strong pain in any part of your body
  • Discharge from the vagina that causes itching or soreness
  • Change in the activity of your baby, either greatly increased activity or feeling no movement
Community Resources

Community Resources

Abbie Shelter and Violence Free Crisis Line (406) 752-7273
Emergency shelter and crisis intervention for victims of domestic and sexual violence in the Flathead Valley.

Flathead Valley Breastfeeding Coalition 
Protects, promotes, and supports breastfeeding in the Flathead Valley community.
Offer the Baby Bistro which is a collaboration of mom/baby support groups in the area.
Follow on Facebook and Instagram.
Email: FVBreastingCoalition@gmail.com
Website: www.FlatheadValleyBreastfeeding.org

Flathead County Health Department (406) 751-8101
Promotes healthy children and adults of all income levels.
Includes community health services, immunizations, breastfeeding support, parenting resources, and a clinic.

Healthy Montana Kids (HMK) (888) 706-1535
Affordable healthcare for children.

Healthy Montana Families (406) 751-8158
Maternal and Early Childhood Home Visiting.

Hope Family Resource Center (406) 257-6006
A resource for education, mentoring and material resources.

Postpartum Support International (800) 944-4773 OR TEXT (503) 894-9453
Postpartum depression and mental health awareness.
Provides support, education and local resource information.

Mother’s Milk Bank of Montana (406) 531-6789
Non-profit organization that collects, screens, pasteurizes and distributes human donor milk.

The Nurturing Center (406) 756-1414 or 800-204-0644
Helps families face the many and diverse challenges parents face while raising their children, including classes to facilitate family functioning.

WIC Office (Women, Infants, Children) (406) 751-8170
Supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children.  Provides valuable nutrition information, breast feeding support, healthcare referrals and nutritious foods.

Baby Blues Connection 1-800-577-8375

Postpartum Progress

Postpartum Support International  1-800-944-4773

Mental Health America

Postpartum Resource Group

Local network of resources for women and families dealing with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders

Infant Car Seat Safety

Take advantage of these local resources to learn how to correctly install your car seat.

Kalispell Fire Department
By appointment
(406) 758-7760
312 1st Ave E
Kalispell, MT 59901

Flathead City-County Health Department
By appointment
Wendy Olson
(406) 751-8106
1035 1st Ave W
Kalispell, MT 59901

Helpful Links

Breast Milk Donation Program

By donating your excess breast milk, you can help Logan Health provide human milk nutrition to critically ill, premature babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) who may not be able to receive milk from their mothers. Operated by Prolacta Bioscience, the Kalispell Donor Milk Program is easy, and there is no cost to participate – all from the comfort of your home!

Donor Qualification

  • Prolacta will likely qualify a candidate as a milk donor when she:
  • Completes and passes the medical and lifestyle history questionnaire
  • Obtains health confirmation from her physician and the baby’s pediatrician
  • Passes blood testing for HIV 1 and 2, HBV, HTLV I and II, HCV and syphilis
  • Provides cheek swab to establish DNA profile
  • Verifies acceptable freezer temperature

Milk Collection

  • Prolacta provides supplies for free, including:
  • Breast milk storage bags
  • Shipping coolers with prepaid shipping labels


  • Every shipment of donated human milk is:
  • Cross-matched with DNA profile
  • Screened for bacteria
  • Tested for drugs of abuse and adulteration

Prolacta’s human milk products are tested, pasteurized and labeled with nutritional value, then sold to hospitals. Prolacta’s human milk products are provided to extremely preterm infants in NICUs to provide a standardized, all human milk-based diet.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the use of human milk – mother’s own or pasteurized donor milk if mom’s own milk is not available – for all preterm infants.*

*American Academy of Pediatrics. Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk. Section on Breastfeeding. [originally published online February 27, 2012]. Pediatrics. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2011-3552