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Ashlyn Brown_Winslow Nichols_Cut BankCut Bank High School student, Ashlyn Brown, was recognized as a Winslow Nichols Leadership Award winner for her academic achievements, exceptional leadership and distinguished service to her community.

Brown’s nominator describes the senior as highly motivated and an excellent student who has stepped up as a leader in numerous clubs and activities throughout her high school career.

“To me, leadership is leading by example and being a role model for those around you. I am a leader in my extracurricular activities by filling an officer position, but I also lead by example by doing the right thing,” stated Brown. Being a positive role model is one of her many strong traits. “There is always someone looking up to you, so I believe leading by example and being a good role model are important to me as a leader.”

The award, presented by Logan Health, recognizes one high school student from Glacier, Toole, Pondera and Liberty County each quarter throughout the school year. School staff, coaches and community leaders are encouraged to nominate well-rounded students who excel academically, contribute to their communities, display leadership skills, and show initiative beyond what is required of them.

The winning student has the privilege of choosing a school sponsored club or activity to receive the $250 donation award. Brown has chosen Cut Bank High School FCCLA, an organization she has held numerous officer roles throughout high school and is currently the Cut Bank Chapter President.

Outside of school, Brown’s focus has been managing a three-year-long 4-H leadership project. The Soup and Bread Fundraiser benefits Meals on Wheels in Glacier County, raising over $3,000 so far for the community.

Brown’s commitment to excellence extends to her academics, earning top grades and becoming a member and secretary of the Cut Bank High School National Honor Society. She is also the Student Council Vice President and Class of 2025 Historian.

As a leader, Brown said she is motivated by challenging herself in school and the personal growth that comes from what she learns from those challenges. She is driven to do the right thing for her community and helping to make a difference.

After graduation, Brown is looking forward to pursuing a degree in diagnostic medical sonography.