The Faith Community Nurse Program is a community-based health ministry that nurtures congregations and communities through ministries of service, prayer, and outreach. Traditionally, this concept is focused on health as an expression of well-being. It concentrates on the intentional care of the spirit, the prevention or minimization of illness, the promotion of health, the maintenance of wellness, and embraces holistic health concepts that emphasize spiritual, physical and emotional dimensions of wellness. Logan Health is proud to offer this program as an interfaith ministry designed to promote health and wellness within the values, beliefs and practices of our local faith communities.
Our Programs
Strong People Program
The Logan Health Faith Community Nurse Program and MSU Extension have teamed up to host the Strong People Strength Training Program in the Flathead Valley. This evidence-based, 8-week program provided by MSU Extension helps participants increase their joint flexibility, muscle strength, balance and overall well-being. Each class is specially designed to incorporate progressive resistance training, balance training and flexibility exercises to allow participants more mobility and ease during their daily life. Participants have had life-changing results. In 2021, MSU Extension reported that 100% of survey respondents from their classes felt stronger, and a majority of members reported life improvements in areas of stamina, balance, movement, stress, anxiety, sleep and chronic pain. In addition, 93% of respondents were inspired to engage in similar physical activity routines outside of class, indicating that the experiences of group fitness sparked lasting lifestyle changes. According to MSU Extension, the program’s successes lie in the proven benefits of strength training: increased muscle mass and strength, improved bone density with reduced risks of osteoporosis and related fractures, reduced risks of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, depression and obesity, and perhaps best of all, improved self-confidence, sleep and vitality. These physical benefits are reliable at getting participants in the door, and time after time, the social connection is what inspires members to come early and stay late. To learn more about Strong People classes in the Flathead Valley, please email for more information.
Health Education and Wellness Classes
The Logan Health Faith Community Nursing Program hosts classes designed to promote health and wellbeing for community members. These classes are uniquely designed to address common health topics from a holistic perspective, recognizing the many dimensions of health that contribute to wellness. In addition to being both relevant and applicable, many of the classes will be interactive as well, giving participants the opportunity to practice the wellness principles during the class.