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Logan Health – Cut Bank will be the first Logan Health critical access hospital to implement Oracle Health, the new electronic health record (EHR) system acquired by Billings Clinic—Logan Health, as they launch the system on Saturday, February 1. Billings Clinic—Logan Health partnered with Oracle Health in October 2024 to provide an integrated IT platform to consolidate medical records. The full transition of the new EHR system across all Logan Health hospitals is anticipated to occur over three years, starting first with the critical access hospitals on the Hi-Line in Cut Bank, Chester, Shelby and Conrad.

“We are looking forward to the new EHR capabilities of appointment reminders and notifications that were not available with our previous EHR,” said Cherie Taylor, President of Logan Health – Cut Bank and Chester. “We will have the ability to better integrate with our systems, so our referral process will be easier, especially for the critical access needs. We’re excited to improve processes for patients.”

From February 3-17, Logan Health Rural Health Clinic – Cut Bank will be reducing the availability of appointments to allow staff to get accustomed to the new system. During this time, appointment availability, phone (hold and return calls) times, response to requests and check-in time will be delayed.

With this transition, Logan Health – Cut Bank’s Imaging Department is now requiring patients to have an order sent by their primary care provider prior to scheduling screening appointments, such as mammograms or Dexa scans. Once the imaging department receives the orders, they will contact the patient to schedule their exam.

While visiting Logan Health – Cut Bank for care, patients are asked to be prepared with their insurance card and photo identification to assure patient information is correctly added to the new EHR system. The team at Logan Health – Cut Bank appreciates the community’s patience as they navigate this transition.

For questions or more information, please call Logan Health – Cut Bank at (406) 873-2251.