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Logan Health Brendan House

Home 9 Location 9 Logan Health Brendan House

Brendan House Exterior

Logan Health Brendan House offers a high level of skilled and rehabilitative care, while encouraging active participation in life. With 110 beds, Brendan House offers skilled nursing for transitional care, long-term care and comfort care, uniquely divided into six pods. The mission of Brendan House is to provide resident-centered care.

Pods are small neighborhoods of 20 residents with similar levels of need. The rooms cluster around a common living and dining area, which promotes resident companionship and nursing efficiency. Staff can monitor each room closely and are just a few feet away in times of need. A beautiful and easily accessible courtyard is central to each pod.

Our Services at Brendan House

We offer a variety of services for our residents at Brendan House:

  • Rehabilitation Services
  • Recreation Services
  • Social Services
  • Registered Dietician Services
  • Nutrition Services
  • Restorative Nursing Program
  • Additional Services

Brendan House offers three levels of care: Transitional Care, Long-Term Care and Comfort Care.

  • TRANSITIONAL CARE: A sub-acute unit of Brendan House designed for patients who no longer require the acute care of a hospital but still need rehabilitative or medical attention that can’t be provided at home or in a long-term care setting. For most, the goal is to return home
  • LONG-TERM CARE: The goal of long-term care is to provide a home and all aspect of physical, social, and emotional well-being. Our highly trained staff uphold the dignity of our residents while maximizing independence and supporting their health care needs.
  • COMFORT CARE: Comfort care is a philosophy that upholds patient and family needs during end of life care. Hospice services are available to support the care team and family.

Brendan House offers a number of complimentary services to residents, including:

  • Beautifully landscaped courtyard and garden
  • Residential council
  • Chef and delicious menu choices
  • Cable TV
  • On-site personal laundry service
  • Comprehensive activity program
  • Spiritual care and a Chapel on site
  • Pet therapy
  • Immediate access to emergency services at adjacent Logan Health Medical Center
  • Pharmaceutical services
  • Respite care
  • IV therapy
  • Hospice care
  • Access to the Logan Health Medical Center cafeteria and gift shop

Safeguarding Our Residents

Within our facility, we follow the following guidelines: Brendan House Visitor Etiquette

  1. The use of source control (masking) is required indoors for all when the facility is in COVID-19 outbreak status as determined by local public health or when the COVID-19 Hospital Admission Levels are HIGH.
  2. When the COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level for Flathead County is LOW, masking is not required for staff, visitors or residents.
  3. Masks will be made available at the front entrance and at the nurse stations for anyone to use at any time.


  1. Visitation is not allowed for those who:
    • have a positive test for COVID-19
    • have symptoms of COVID-19
    • have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 (visit should be deferred for 10 days)
  2. Visitation hours will remain from 9am to 8pm as this is best for resident centered care.
  3. The front entrance and hallway to hospital will remain controlled with badge access required for the times outside of visiting hours.
  4. Exceptions to visit outside of these hours can be arranged on an individual basis.
  5. Visitors will still utilize the Accushield kiosk to sign in and complete minor screening. Temperature will no longer be measured.


  1. All staff will complete an attestation in Health Stream acknowledging that they will not come to work if symptomatic.
  2. Staff will no longer screen on the Accushield kiosk prior to shift.
  3. Staff must report any symptoms to Employee Health (406-751-4189) and their supervisor and not enter the facility if sick.


  1. New admissions will continue to require a negative COVID-19 test prior to transferring into the facility.
  2. Surveillance testing will no longer be performed for staff or residents.
  3. Should a resident present with symptoms of COVID-19, testing will be completed and they will be placed in transmission-based precautions until COVID-19 is ruled out.


  1. Remaining up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations continues to be recommended by the Centers for Disease Control.
  2. Residents will be offered the COVID-19 vaccine appropriate for them along with education.
  3. Vaccines are available for staff as well. Please watch for further information to be shared for these opportunities.

Hand Hygiene:

  1. Continual diligence with hand hygiene is recommended along with frequent cleaning of high-touch areas.

Rehabilitation & Support

Logan Health entities mail bills directly to the patient’s address on record, or to the “guarantor” of the account (if the patient is a minor, or has insurance coverage through another person). This person is designated at registration. Staff will file your insurance claims and will file any secondary insurance that you report to us.

What is on Your Bill

Your bill represents the charges for services you received during one hospital stay or visits to our facility. The daily rate includes bed occupancy, meals, and nursing care. You will also see charges for laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging (X-ray), medications, use of the operating room, and any other tests, procedures, or supplies your doctors have ordered. Professional fees for your physicians’ services, with some exceptions, are billed separately.

Our weekday office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Your bill will show the total charges and payments.
If you have questions about your Brendan House bill, please contact an account representative by calling (406) 751-6500.

Summary and Itemized Bills
If you receive a summary billing and would like an itemized statement of your charges, you may request one by calling the billing office. The phone number for the billing office is (406) 751-6500.

Physician Bills
The facility will bill for emergency room doctors, limited physician services at Pathways Treatment Center, and doctors who read the results of EKGs. Patients should expect to receive separate bills from any private doctors, surgeons, or assistant surgeons who participated in your care, as well as from any consulting or professional groups such as radiology (X-ray), anesthesiology, and pathology (laboratory). If you have questions about any of these bills, please contact the doctor from whom the bill has been sent.

Insurance Claims
Logan Health participates with Medicare, Medicaid, and Champus/Tricare. We accept Employee Group Health and private insurance coverage if we receive complete billing information. For inpatient, surgical, and selected outpatient therapies, procedures, and testing, we will verify that the insurance is in effect at the time of service.

The insurance subscriber is responsible for complying with the insurance company’s requirements. Those requirements may include obtaining referrals, pre-certification, second opinions, and/or ensuring that the facility belongs to their particular network of managed care providers.

Logan Health will file your insurance claims, and will also file any secondary insurance that you report to us. If your insurance company has not paid on a timely basis, we will send you a letter requesting your help in solving whatever problems have led to the delay in payment. You are responsible for seeing that your insurance company pays us correctly and on a timely basis.

Changing Insurance Carriers
If you need to update your insurance information, please call (406) 751-6500 when you receive your bill, and we will be able to re-file your claim.

Final Payment
Once your insurance company has paid, we will send you a statement requesting payment of any remaining balance in full within 30 days.  If you cannot make payment in full, please call us to explore other options in working out arrangements for payment.

If You Are Without Insurance Coverage
Our Brendan House staff will assist you in exploring all possible resources for medical assistance within the community, including Public Assistance and other State and Federal agencies. Logan Health will accept monthly payments after all other alternative methods of payments have been exhausted. Monthly payments are set according to the current board-approved payment schedule and personal financial information may be required to set appropriate payment arrangements.

Other Resources

  • Flathead County Agency on Aging (AIMS Program), (406) 758-5730
  • Eagle Transit (406) 758-5728
  • Montana State Insurance Commissioner (406) 444-6500

How to Apply

To apply for long-term care, please complete the following Long-Term Residential Care application and return.

For Transitional Care:

Madison Sandefer
Phone: 406-751-6535
Fax: 406-758-3194
Email: msandefer@logan.org

Kim Spicher
Phone: (406) 751-7568
Fax: (406) 758-3194
Email: kspicher@logan.org

For Long-Term Care:

Karen Fehlman
Phone: (406) 751-6502
Fax: 406-751-6544
Email: kfehlman@logan.org

Contact Us

Brendan House
350 Conway Drive
Kalispell, MT 59901
Phone: (406) 751-6500
Fax: (406) 751-6544

Hours: The front entrance at Brendan House is open from 9am-8pm.  Family visiting hours may be coordinated with the resident’s nurse.

Patient Billing & Business Center
If you have questions about your Brendan House bill, please contact an account representative by calling (406) 751-6500.

Brendan House Covid-19 & Influenza Updates

February 7 – Two more residents resulted positive for COVID through surveillance testing completed yesterday. We are surveillance testing residents in long-term care again today. All staff are to mask in long-term care areas.