Community leader, role model, academic leader, and an asset to Glacier County and Cut Bank High School are just a few ways Cut Bank High School and Middle School FCS Teacher Rachel Brown describes Katelyn Suta, a junior at CBHS.
The highly motivated student is the newest recipient of the Winslow Nichols Leadership Award from Logan Health. This quarterly recognition is given to local High School students who – through school activities, volunteer work, community service, or other initiatives, nurture healthier communities.
In Brown’s nomination, she highlights Suta’s many strengths in and outside of the classroom. “If a project needs a leader, Katelyn is ready to step up into that role. She always volunteers her time and talents with a smile and positive attitude,” says Brown. “She wants to see her community thrive and is willing to help out where needed.”
Brown is also a Glacier County 4-H Leader and is able to witness the passion Suta has for 4-H. Through her involvement in 4-H, Suta has spearheaded two impactful projects benefiting both the Marias Fair and 4-H Council. “Her project for the fair generated over $20,000 for a new show ring. She not only fundraised, but also wrote grants to raise that money,” says Brown. “To raise money for the local 4-H Council, she leads the very popular Cheesecake Fundraiser at the local holiday bazaar.”
From volunteering with the youngest 4-H Cloverbuds (5-8-year-olds) to leading projects with the local nursing home residents, Suta constantly finds ways to help groups of all ages in and around the community. Other organizations she has volunteered her time with include the Lutheran Church Youth Group, Meals on Wheels, the local animal shelter, and generously helped food prep for a local cancer patient.
Even though community involvement keeps her busy, she still maintains a high GPA and knows that schoolwork is just as important as any other activity. Suta has been recognized with many other academic and extracurricular achievements such as the National Honor Society, National Honor Band, Glacier County 4-H Community Service and Leadership Award, numerous Marias Fair 4-H livestock showmanship awards, and many 4-H archery awards.
The Academic All-State athlete has also been appointed by her coaches and peers as Volleyball Team Captain and Most Inspirational on her softball team.
Suta says receiving the Winslow Nichols Leadership Award took her by surprise since she was unaware of her teacher’s nomination. Although, she was suspicious when her mom, Raylee Johnson, arrived in the classroom along with Logan Health – Cut Bank leaders and representatives who presented the award. Suta was awarded a certificate and $250 towards her choice of school organization or club, and donuts were handed out to the entire class.
“Katelyn is a student who is always willing to help out, not only at her school, but also in her community, making her a great fit for this award,” concludes Brown.
Students in Lake, Flathead, Lincoln, Glacier, Pondera, Liberty or Toole counties are eligible for the award, and are selected quarterly.