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Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Home 9 Logan Health Medical Center 9 Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Our Mission

The mission of Logan Health Neighbors Helping Neighbors is to help connect people to the resources necessary in regaining their health and independence.

The Logan Health Neighbors Helping Neighbors program has Social Service Advocates that team with volunteers to help clients referred by a medical or social service provider to connect to the social determinants of health resources they need to improve their quality of life.

What We Do:

We connect individuals with a social determinant of health need to the various resources that can meet that need.

These resources include:

  • Health Coverage
  • Home and Respite Care
  • Housing Programs
  • Long Term Care
  • Social Service Programs
  • Transportation
  • Veteran Services

Cancer Resources

Become a Volunteer

We are Neighbors Helping Neighbors, and we invite you to join us! To become a volunteer, fill out a volunteer application today!

Each volunteer is required to abide by the volunteer policies.

About Our Volunteers:

  • Neighbors Helping Neighbors Volunteers are caring men and women of various backgrounds who accompany a full-time Social Service Advocate to meet with clients in their homes or community locations to help determine their needs and provide support and encouragement while connecting them to available resources.
  • Neighbors Helping Neighbors Volunteers receive training, supervision and support from the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Program Coordinator and Social Service Advocates.
  • Neighbors Helping Neighbors Volunteers do not provide medical care, personal care, meals or personal transportation, but will help the Client connect to those services.
  • Neighbors Helping Neighbors Volunteers make a difference in the lives of men and women who are our neighbors in the Flathead Valley.

Volunteer Questions:

Contact Wendy Wilson, Neighbors Helping Neighbors Program Coordinator for more information:

“What a wonderful resource your organization is for the Flathead! Who would have thought there was someone who could magically come up with such a fine wheelchair. We thank you so much!”

- Client, Kalispell

“Very thankful for the “Shelter” during this “Storm”. Thank you for the kindness and warmth we received during this time.”

- Client, Eureka

Contact Us

Call: (406) 758-1437
Email: jbrennan@logan.org